It's Halloween, and I'm sitting here in my PJs without a costume. That seems to be the pattern every year since senior year of high school ended... while during my super senior year, I hid behind a tree on Mischief Night with a garden hose, hell-bent on spraying anyone who came to egg our house with ice-cold water.
Yes, I'm a maniacal person.
BUT I'm also here to bring you another shop update!
Roma has been hard at work to bring you even more handknit hats and scarves, and I just finished posting all of the new items in the Etsy shop!
Yes, we finally have hats for BOYS!
In addition to some stuff for kids, I also posted some earrings last week.
Mario, anyone?
Check out the shop to see all of the new items! (Link is at the top of the page, can't miss it!)