Monday, April 2, 2018


I'm using Google's speech to text, so things are probably not going to be very accurate. I just don't feel like typing.

Things have been very rough today. I'm not very sure how to explain how I'm feeling right now, but I feel as if there's a strange numbing sensation from my upper arm down into my fingers. I feel like I can't fully move my hands, like they're stiff, or bit like pins and needles. It's as if my grip is not as strong as it should be, or my spacial awareness of my hands is not proper. I know that sounds very strange, but that's the only way I could possibly explain how I'm feeling at the moment. In addition to that, I feel completely despondent. Nothing I do gives me any sort of satisfaction. Nothing gives me any pleasure. Being alone has been really getting to me as well, it is so incredibly lonely being in a space that was once always occupied. I find myself crying and mourning, although I'm not sure what I'm mourning for. Am I just crying for myself? I really can't tell, and that's what's driving me crazy. I can't put my finger down on what I'm feeling, and I think a lot of it has to do with the withdrawal symptoms. I'm sure there's some depersonalization that I'm going through right now, because a part of me feels like I'm just playing pretend. That my whole life is just an act, and I'm just the actor. That I'm just saying things, and I don't feel anything. This emotional flatness is really terrible, and I wish it would stop. I just want to be able to feel something other than feeling dissatisfied with the current state of affairs.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Survey + Beermoney Apps - Followup Report

Hello again, everyone!
If you have read my first Survey + Beermoney App blog post, you might be wondering... How did these apps hold up in the long run? Which did I end up keeping? 
Well, here's a follow-up to my original post.

I have used each of these apps for approximately three months now. (My previous summary was after a month of use.)
Remember that my experiences with these apps might not be reflective of yours! Every survey has a different target audience, and while I might be rejected from every survey an app throws at me and think it sucks, you might adore it and hit bank.


#1 iPoll
Since my last post, iPoll has been completely reworked to be oddly familiar... 

...because it looks and fuctions exactly like QuickThoughts. The difference is that there is no $0.10 consolation prize for being rejected from a survey, and you most likely will get rejected from most. The pay is also a lot lower, with most being under a dollar.
Final verdict: The amount of money I have made from this app has not changed at all. I'm still at $0.30, and frankly this app pisses me off. It's like QuickThoughts' illegitimate cousin. I would honestly pass on this one.
Referral Link:

#2 1Q
Oh 1Q, how I love and hate you. Questions come rarely, but I always seem to be asleep or busy when they do... And then they expire. 
As you can see, I haven't been too lucky when it comes to answering questions as soon as they become available. I went and switched my notifications to pop-ups and am hoping for better luck.
Final Verdict: Okay, so I only made $0.50 more since my last review, but remember... This is cash that gets sent straight into your PayPal account. No thresholds, no gimmicks. I'm still holding out hope that more companies will use this app for data collection, and thus more questions will become available.
Referral Link:

#3 Surveys On The Go
Surveys On The Go still fails to live up to its name as being a go-to for a bored person with some free time.

Still, I've been getting a new survey every once in a while, and they're rather short. If you don't qualify, you get a $0.10 consolation, which I was previously unaware of.
Final Verdict: Since my last review, I have amassed $7.60 which is pretty close to the cash out threshold of $10. I'm definitely going to stick through to get my money.

#4 (the app!) continues to disappoint in a whole new way.

Rather than giving actual surveys, they're now giving me work opportunities to do product demonstrations. What the hell? I'm trying to make money from my phone... In my spare time. I don't want job offers.
Final Verdict: This app has been a complete waste of space. My account remains unchanged at $1.00 and I don't see that changing. What a waste of a good app name.

#5 Swagbucks

Though many people love Swagbucks, I just haven't been feeling it. Being rejected from lots of surveys sure gets you down.

I don't check this one as often as I probably should, but I just hate survey disqualifications so much.
Final Verdict: Don't let my lack of enthusiasm for Swagbucks get you down. Ask any Beermoney expert, and they will put Swagbucks on their list of essential sites/apps. Also keep in mind that every survey is looking for different demographics. I might just not be what they're looking for.

#6 CheckPoints
This app confuses the hell out of me. Nothing has changed, but I get notifications to "check in" to shops all the time.

I open the app, and I receive no points. I haven't been shopping lately either, so I haven't had a chance to check out the bar-code scanning feature.
Final Verdict: I'm still keeping this one despite my confusion and lack of use. There will be a time when I'm at the mall and will have a use for this app. It just hasn't come up yet.
Referral Code: hellointerloper

#7 Acorn Hunt
I'm going to be honest... This app is a drag. Videos give you barely any acorns. The GIF section was broken for a while and may still be broken, but I wouldn't know because it's been ages since I bothered to open this app.
I don't want to complete offers, and surveys provided by Peanut Labs suck big time.
Final Verdict: Peanut Labs is awful. The pay rate is awful. Offers that make you pay to get a little bit of money back are awful. I just dislike this app altogether.
Referral Code: MLAMEDICA

#8 QuickThoughts
This app is the absolute bomb. It continues to provide surveys that pay a dollar each, $0.10 for surveys you don't qualify for, and just generally has been my favorite app.
The surveys have been released on a consistent basis and I can't say enough good things about this app.
Final Verdict: If there is one app that you should have, it's this one. I have already cashed out a $10 iTunes gift card and am working my way towards my second. Keep in mind that if iTunes isn't your jam, there are many places online where you can sell or exchange your giftcard code for something else. I personally used mine on an app game. No regrets.

#9 Inbox Dollars
This app annoys me. The surveys are constantly broken (whether they're dead links, never load, etc...) and the money just isn't coming in.
Did I mention the telemarketers? I get at least 4 calls a week. I'm convinced it's thanks to InboxDollar's "offers."
Final Verdict: If you're into masochism, then be my guest... Download this app. I'm done with it.

Well, I hope this review write-up helped you determine which survey and money-making apps are worth your time and which to avoid.

Cheers and happy hunting!