After 3 months the damn school got the cable techs to fix the cable jack in our dorm room. As I type this the Festivus episode of Seinfeld is on. So I've decided to make a donation for everyone that reads this to the Human Fund!
Its the Holiday Season again. Such a joyous time of year, where we all want to receive more than we give(Don't deny it you greedy bastards). I hope everyone has a Merry Fucking Christmas, or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa or whatever it is you celebrate(even if its Festivus!) I'm tolerant of everything so have yourself a happy holiday season.
I'd like to give a shoutout to the radio station 93.3 WMMR of Philadelphia. Preston and Steve, the hosts of the morning show held a Camp-out for Hunger to raise food and money for the homeless in the Tri-state area. Over the five day camp-out they raised 527,285 Lbs or 263 Tons (for perspective, roughly 263 elephants) of food! That is heavier than the Statue of Liberty! But just because their camp-out is over doesn't mean the food stops. Try to make some kind of donation if you can to your local food shelter or charity. According to national statistics the poverty rate has climbed over the past year. That means more hungry, homeless people out there in the cold.
The purpose of this entry is to wish everyone a happy holiday season, and to remind everyone that this time of year is tough for the less fortunate. I believe in karma, so give a little good and you'll get some in return. Happy Holidays everyone. Stay warm.
Ah Jon, what would I do without your amazing sense of humor? :]